‘Recording shenanigans’

 Hey guys! Me and Jenna had a lot of fun recording but there were ups and downs. We had went to a mall close by it was kind of busy. At first me and Jenna had a hard time filming the bathroom scene because a lot of people were coming in and out and we didn’t want to seem weird. When we were outside many cars kept coming and almost hitting us in the process. Besides that some people also took our seats we were filming at so it was a shift in scenery for a bit. We had to film the coffee scene twice because Jenna was laughing and I didn’t catch the scene at the right time. It was funny. After that Jenna’s coworkers interrupted us and started talking with her. Then after the filming Jenna drank both of the coffees and threw up later while we started doing a few shopping around the mall. 

That’s all for today guys!


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