'Ending is near'

 Hey guys!! Me and Jenna have been working really hard. I have been editing and she has been recording. We are so happy to show you guys the final results of everything. Throughout our ups and downs we still persevered. At the beginning of it all we decided to film with the song 'Ma Belle Evangeline'. We had to scratch that idea since it was time consuming, we lacked actors, and the funds. We were really excited to film with that song but unfortunately, we couldn't. Jenna then got this great idea about filming to 'Never gonna give you up'. This was an easy idea for us both because we had everything we needed already. Jenna has done a great job recording now it's up to me to finish editing. (10) I have been editing the footage rather nicely. I decided to add text to the music video since its popular in most music videos to add emphasis. I also added this effect called velocity to add emphasis on the dogs running. I changed the lighting just a tad bit. It was so the dog could be more of the main character. If you blur out the background just a bit, it will add more focus to the main attraction. It has been a difficult time with the editing though. I am not used to combining videos together and having to go through a whole thought process about doing it. I think I'm catching on rather quickly though. I have watched other music videos in the same genre of 'Never gonna give you up'. This has helped with most of the things I added to the music video.

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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