‘We are in a bit of a pickle’

Hey guys!! Let me start off with there’s been a change of plans. Me and Jenna have been trying to put the princess and the frog song my belle Evangeline into action but we just couldn’t. We have different schedules and can’t seem to agree on a certain thing. So we have decided to change our plan. We will be making a music video with the song ‘never going to give you up’. This would consist of Jenna and her dog. The plot would be that the dog goes missing and she places posters everywhere to help find her dog. The dog would be the main point of interest since she is playing a big role. The reason for change is mostly due to schedule and other things like costumes and lack of actors/extras to be in the film as well. Instead of being in the new MV I will be filming and editing most of it. Jenna decided to do it at her home/neighborhood so her dog could stay calm. I can’t really be around dogs a lot because they make me sneeze amongst other things. I will be doing as much as I can to help make the music video come to life. I will try to add big bold lyrics to help construct a dynamic change. I will then edit out some stuff like extras and when the dog isn’t behaving. I will then make an outro to the video, so the screen doesn’t just go black. I want to add a contrast that’s relative to the actual music video. I have been rewatching the actual music video a couple of times throughout my day. Although I never really listened to the song as much,
I still knew what it was about. It has also become popular amongst many kids as a “meme”. That is also another reason we chose this song it fairly popular amongst kids our age.

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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