'The time is Approaching'

 Hey guys!! Me and Jenna are going to go shopping for our costumes together. We are going to go to the Target near our school. We will be looking for green or just nature like colors. This will be during the weekend maybe around Sunday because we have things to do on Saturday. We are planning on recording from an iPhone 11. Maybe edit on the computer or on CapCut still. Jenna is a good partner to work with. She always has ideas to contribute to the project. I was kind of debating on this music video. I don't know if we will execute it right because I don't have a lot of access to things. I need to buy my costume soon and I don't know where to look.  From the moment we started this project, we were very thrilled to see where it would go and how we would be able to execute it. We both share a love for the film and its timeless message of following one's dreams, and we wanted to capture that spirit in our music video. Our first step was to carefully select the right locations. We scouted beautiful, evocative spots in our own city, which could double as a nature swamp like area, to create an authentic atmosphere. Our next focus was on costumes and set design. We've spent time searching for the perfect attire and props to replicate the look and feel of the film. The music, of course, is a vital part of the project. We're excited to incorporate different musical elements to give the video a fresh and unique feel, while still honoring the original soundtrack. Choreography plays a significant role in "The Princess and the Frog," so we've been working on our dance routines, ensuring they capture the spirit and energy of the film. Collaborating with Jenna has been very nice. We're both inspired by each other's creativity and passion for this project. We are trying to involve our friends to bring our vision to life. Storyboarding the video was a crucial step, as it allowed us to map out our vision and ensure everything flows seamlessly. Our time to record is slowly approaching!! Can't wait to show you guys the final product.


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