'How far we have Come'

 Hey guys!! Its Jana'e and I'm back to tell you about how far me and Jenna are in the music video production. We have planned our area in which we are going to record and when. We plan on going to our local park on Monday, October 23, 2023. We want to be in an area of prominent greenery with water on the side and what better spot to go than a park. If we can't go to the park, we are planning on then we will go to a different park that has the same scenery in terms of greenery, trees, and nearby river. I am still shopping for my costume. We are still trying to find out who can be a part of our music video. We will probably have to animate the video with the actual characters or maybe change the song to a simpler one. We did make our storyboard for how everything will be framed. We have to work quickly because this may be a difficult video to put together. Although this is one of my favorite Disney songs, I could've tried to be careful on what I have chosen. We will be filming with an iPhone 11. We will try to have the best quality possible to ensure a good effect to viewers. We will most likely use CapCut to edit everything, so it flows well. I have a good history with CapCut so it will be easier for me. I will try to do half of the editing and filming while Jenna does the other half. This is so everything is to both of our liking. We will have to film in a secluded area away from people. We haven't quite figured out if people are going to be where we want to film yet and hopefully there aren't, so they don't get in our way. I will try to film in a shaded area, so it adds more contrast when I go back and edit in special effects and colors to help brighten things up.

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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