'Getting the Angles'

 Hey guys!! Me and Jenna have been working on our music video and conspiring ideas. She has been doing most of the filming. I mostly throw the ideas to help create a plot. I try to get her to film the dog running around different areas. This would help create a sort of montage. In most movies people/animals who run away or get kidnapped have a sort of montage moment. They use different clips from different days and settings/places to help convey that many days have passed since. I try to get Jenna to record the dog from behind and from the side. It's been a bit difficult for her. The dog doesn't really want to leave Jenna's side. She sometimes records from up above which isn't a very good perspective of running away. She has gotten a few good clips though. One from behind and a few from the side. She said she is going to record more in different places too. She has gotten a few shots of the dog running in a building and also running outside by her complex. Most of these shots are filmed during the day. I'm going to ask her to film some in the evening to create more contrast. Overall, Jenna is doing most of the recording. I am mainly broadcasting my ideas to help both of us. I have started to combine the videos to make the music video. I will talk about that more in my next blog.

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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