'Putting the pictures and videos together'

 Hey Guys!! I'm back to talk about my commercial and the official start of it. I have been vlogging most of my day for the commercial. Like yesterday, I didn't have band practice. I had to catch the bus home yesterday. My ride wasn't at the bus stop because they forgot i didn't have practice. I had to walk to the corner store. I decided to vlog about how I went to the corner store and how my day was. I decided to talk about what I got from the store and my surroundings. I also took lots of pictures to capture the moment. I have downloaded the app 'CapCut' to start assembling my stuff and learning how to use the features that are on the app. I like the way it allows creativity to take over. I have been asking my friend to help me since I'm new to the app and they have had it for awhile now. I'm at the step of just selecting the photos and videos. It's a bit challenging because I don't want to choose the wrong videos. By wrong videos I mean I want to choose interesting things. There seems to be a limit to what I can select so I have to choose wisely. I'm trying to figure out how to insert the song I want to use but it wont let me. This seems to be one of my main issues. This will probably cause me to find a different app but before I do that I will ask my friend how to insert a specific audio. Hopefully They know how to help me.!

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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