'Production Blog'

Hi guys!! I'm back to discuss my upcoming commercial. So as you guys may know I already chose the music for the background which is ‘Encore’ . Setting the vibe to be more upbeat. I don’t wanna give off a sad or romantic approach. I wanna give off a 2000’s ‘black’ movie montage. From what I’ve seen they are all up beat and motivating. My idea is to motivate people to just go out and have fun or atleast do something with your day instead of laying around. I have chosen a few videos of me and some of my friends to help convey the life of a teenager at Fort Lauderdale high school. Most of my videos are of me being in band or just any after school activity. That’s where I get to hang out with my friends the most. Some of us aren’t able to hang out outside of school. I want this montage/video to depict how I view life and what life means to me. Life is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted and should be lived to its fullest. I hope to portray atleast an active life. I only picked out about 2-3 videos so far. Like I previously said most of my pictures will be from the beginning of the year till now. This will highlight the upcoming of myself and my everyday life which is important for my commercial. It's important because my whole commercial is just about me!. The more I record the more footage I will have. I’m trying to record atleast 10 second videos to edit. Most videos will be school related cause I don’t really do anything outside of school.

That's all for today guys! - Jana'e signing out


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